Webcam Geneva Fountain Jet d'Eau Timelapse
Watch the "City of Peace" on Lake Geneva via livecam
Meet the world live via earthTV cam in a city where the whole world comes together - in peace! On all continents, the Swiss city of Geneva stands for the idea of wolrdwide peace and freedom. As a global city situated on famous Lake Geneva with a surface of 38 km², Geneva is a center for diplomacy and home to 250 international organizations, that are all based here - including the headquarters of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Red Cross. See via webcam the giant fountain Jet d'Eau, Genevas most remarkable landmark: It's Europe's highest fountain with 145 m in height. Watch the Swiss and French Alps via livestreaming cam in Geneva, where over 160 states represent their governments. Experience the Swiss flair of an internaional city of worldwide peace vie earthTV's webcam. View from Hôtel de la Paix.